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Carinata FAQ

What is Carinata?

Our Carinata is an independently certified non-food cover crop, grown between main crop rotations, and crushed in standard oilseed processing facilities for its oil to be used for lower carbon biofuel feedstock, and its co-product as a source of traceable non-GMO plant protein. 

Carinata “covers” or protects soil that is typically exposed between main crop harvest and next season’s planting and removes atmospheric carbon while restoring soil carbon as it grows. By replacing fossil fuels, Carinata also reduces carbon emissions. Our Carinata production program rewards sustainable farming practices and does not require additional farmland. 

How does Carinata help reduce carbon or greenhouse gases (GHGs)?

In addition to being an independently certified and sustainable low–carbon fuel source that can replace fossil fuel, Carinata also effectively removes carbon from the air as it grows and restores soil carbon down through the crop’s biomass and extensive roots to regenerate soil health and sequester carbon in the process.

Why is Carinata different than other biofuel feedstocks?

Carinata is different than other biofuel feedstocks in three main ways:  

  • Non-food and grown between primary crop rotations. Carinata is inedible/not for human consumption and grown on existing farmland between main/food crop harvest and next season’s planting. Plus, its co-product is a source of traceable plant protein. 
  • Independently certified sustainable production from every field. Carinata production is tracked from field to oil. Growers are rewarded for adopting certified sustainable farming practices. 
  • Stewards carbon 3-ways. In addition to being a sustainable lower carbon fuel source that can replace fossil fuels and reduce emissions, Carinata, also effectively removes atmospheric carbon as it grows above ground and restores soil carbon down through its leaves and extensive roots to regenerate soil health.  

How are we measuring carbon emissions from Carinata?

We measure carbon emissions based on processes established by global scientific standards (IPCCDayCENT, and CENTURY), looking at above and below ground carbon sequestration associated with growing Nuseed Carinata in addition to fully quantifying farming practices at the field level, transportation and processing emissions.  

Who is advancing Carinata as a certified sustainable fuel source?

Governments, international organizations and companies worldwide committed to carbon reduction are driving the policy and demand for certified sustainable lower carbon fuel feedstock, including Carinata. Because it is an independently certified, non-food cover crop grown sustainably between main crops on existing farmland, our Carinata is an excellent feedstock for lower carbon fuel to help meet carbon reduction targets.

We work to build a strong Value Chain with research, regulatory, farm customers, industry partners, processors and end-use customers is advancing and rewarding certified sustainable production of Carinata to help meet the rapidly growing demand for low-carbon fuel feedstock.

Where is the crop grown and processed?

Carinata is a resilient crop proven to grow well in both hemispheres between many primary crop rotations, like corn and soybeans, as a cover crop. It is grown between harvest and spring planting when weather limits primary crop production and soil is typically exposed to erosion.

Our Carinata is currently commercially grown in Argentina between main crops on existing farmland and processed into oil in Europe. Carinata is a proven drop-in feedstock for biofuel processors, making it easily integrated into production at existing facilities as the crop is introduced to new regions.

Currently, commercial program expansion in South America and plans for introduction to the U.S. will increase production to help meet the rapidly growing demand for lower carbon feedstock. Initial research and market development programs are also underway in Europe and Australia.

What is the demand for Carinata?

Global demand for sustainable lower carbon fuel is strong and growing rapidly as governments implement and advance existing climate change policies and companies commit to carbon reduction targets. Recent commitments from the International Air Transport Association Net Zero Carbon by 2050 resolution to increase use of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) from 2% in 2025 to 65% in 2050, demonstrate the growing demand for sustainably scalable solutions, like our Carinata. It supplies a scalable solution to help start decarbonizing heavy transport today, including aviation, without the delay, cost, and carbon footprint of retrofitting fleets.

Is Carinata a suitable feedstock for Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)?

Recently listed by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) as having similar industry-leading greenhouse gas (GHG) savings as waste and residuals like used cooking oil, our Carinata is already recognized as a SAF feedstock that can help the aviation industry decarbonize, with the added benefit of globally scalable sustainable production.

When will our Carinata production increase?

Commercial production in Argentina is increasing. Expanding commercial programs in South America and U.S. introduction are being planned to increase production to help meet the growing demand for certified low–carbon feedstock. Expanding programs in South America and the Southern U.S. will help increase certified sustainable production to help meet the growing demand for lower carbon bioenergy. Initial research and market development programs are also underway in Europe and Australia.