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European End users see value in Nuseed Carinata

European end-users see value in Nuseed Carinata

European end-use customers value Nuseed Carinata. Certified as best in class for greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction as a renewable feedstock for low-carbon fuels, Nuseed Carinata also produces a non-GMO high protein meal when crushed for its oil.

For processors in Europe, the combination is a perfect fit to meet both the GHG reduction and sustainability regulatory mandates, and the preferences in the EU market for non-GMO products, including premium pricing on animal feed ingredients.

Nuseed Carinata’s non-GMO status is a definite advantage in European feed and fuel markets. It is also sustainably produced with no indirect land-use change. It’s an excellent option for producing both biofuel feedstock and meal for livestock feed without placing any extra pressure on farmland.

Nuseed Carinata varieties have up to 46% protein content in the meal, putting it on par with the most widely used sources of protein in the feed world. It is low in fiber, highly digestible and approved for use as a feed ingredient by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) for beef cattle. It is also the only protein product derived from a Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels (RSB) certified crop.