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4 States to Plant More Sunflowers in 2019

Dakota Farmer Update e1574728355784
Source: Dakota Farmer Update | John Sandbakken | May 7, 2019

Kansas, North Dakota, South Dakota and Texas farmers plan to grow more sunflowers in 2019.

Four states are expected to see an increase in the number of acres planted to sunflowers this year. They are:

  • North Dakota – 44,000 more acres, a 110% increase compared to last year
  • Texas – 13,500 more acres, a 157% increase compared to last year
  • South Dakota – 13,000 more acres, a 113% increase compared to last year
  • Kansas – 9,000 more acres, a 102% increase compared to last year

Overall, U.S. sunflower planted acres are expected to be up 48,000 acres over last year, about a 4% increase.

New crop oil sunflower prices have been very firm and near the levels of a year ago, with oil crushers offering Act of God and cash contracts. Oil sunflowers also receive a 2% price premium for each 1% of oil content that is over 40%. At current new crop prices, that can add significantly to the final price when delivered.

Risk Management Agency – US map by county insurance cutoff for planting sunflowers
Map 20220808 221445
FINAL DATE: Crop insurance final dates for planting sunflowers vary by county from early to late June across much of the country.

Sunflowers can be planted until late June in most areas. The USDA Risk Management Agency approved a change to the final planting dates in North Dakota counties for sunflower for the 2019 crop season. The change gives producers five more days of full insurance coverage.

Final planting dates are:

  • Colorado. June 15, 20 and 25, depending on the county
  • Kansas. June 25
  • Minnesota. June 15
  • Montana. June 10
  • Nebraska. June 15-20, depending on the county
  • North Dakota. June 10 or 15, depending on the county
  • Oklahoma. June 25
  • South Dakota. June 15 or 20, depending on the county
  • Texas. June 25
  • Wyoming. June 10

After these dates, crop insurance coverage is reduced by 1% per day. The actual final date that sunflowers can be planted is anywhere from 20 to 25 days after the crop insurance final planting date.

To find the final planting date by county, see sunflowernsa.com/growers/crop-insurance.

Sandbakken is the executive director of the National Sunflower Association.