CHS Southwest Grain
About CHS Southwest Grain
On May 19, 1981, the final touches were put on the consolidating efforts to united the following eight local Grain Cooperatives: Belfield, Dickinson, Gladstone, Killdeer, New England, Regent, Richardton, & South Heart. As a result of those eight cooperatives joining together, Southwest Grain was created. Later that year, construction of the Boyle terminal began in Taylor, ND. In 1993, Southwest Grain merged with CHS, Inc. to become CHS Southwest Grain. They were the first regional merger with CHS, Inc. and opened a new worldwide market to our patrons.
Their foundation at CHS Southwest Grain is grain, more specifically wheat. As a diversified marketing and supply cooperative with over 5,000 patrons, CHS Southwest Grain has shuttle loading facilities at Boyle, ND, New Salem, ND, & Lemmon, SD; and a 52-car loader in Dickinson, ND that is dedicated solely to Durum. They have eight country grain elevators that originate wheat for the train loading terminals, as well as truck directly to domestic and export markets.
At CHS Southwest Grain, they also supply energy, agronomy, and livestock products along with crop production supplies to their members. Livestock and animal health needs are supported by the CHS Nutrition plant located in Dickinson, ND. Agronomy inputs include seed, dry fertilizers, NH3, and chemicals. They also provide agronomy services for the application of chemicals and fertilizer along with support personnel to help educate and provide recommendations for specific farming needs. Energy products available include a full line of bulk Cenex products such as: FieldMaster, RoadMaster, gasoline, and lubricants. They also provide propane for residential and commercial customers. Energy services include delivery of bulk fuel, oil, and propane. Parts and petroleum equipment are also key items you will find at most CHS Southwest Grain locations.
CHS Southwest Grain is determined to meet the future of local production agriculture by hiring talented employees, building or acquiring assets in our trade area and adding new technology to better serve their patrons. CHS Southwest Grain is committed to returning patronage yearly to those whom support the cooperative system.