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Desiccating Sunflowers to Stay Ahead of Blackbirds

It is important to consider desiccating sunflower field to stay ahead of the blackbirds and reduce crop loss at harvest.


  • Get the crop off early by applying a desic­cant. Natural sunflower dry down can be slow and uneven. By speeding up the dry down process, chemical desiccants decrease crop losses due to inclement weather, lodg­ing, disease and bird depredation.
  • Desiccants can be applied to the crop once plants have reached physiological maturity. At this point, seed moisture is about 35 percent, the backs of the heads turn yellow, and bracts turn brown in color (R-9 stage). Applying desiccant before this stage may reduce test weight and seed quality.
  • Remember to check local regulations for approved desiccants.