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Successful Sunflower Harvest Checklist


  • Minor adjustments to combines can make a big difference at harvest. Combine speed should average between three to five miles per hour.
  • Cylinder speeds should range from 300 to 500 revolutions per minute.
  • Concave settings should be open.
  • Use the slowest cylinder speed with the largest concave opening to reduce seed damage.
  • Adjust the fan to accommodate sunflower seeds, which are lighter than other grains, so that air flow keeps only trash floating across the sieve.


  • Sunflowers are ready for harvest when the backs of the heads turn from yellow to brown in color.
  • Combine when seed moisture reaches 20 percent or less – experts recommend 12 to 15 percent. Seed moisture can be brought under 10 percent by drying for storage.


  • Combine speed should average between five to six miles per hour. However, today’s large combines often need to travel more than 5 miles per hour to keep full – ground speed should keep the combine full for optimal threshing.
  • The target for seeds thrown behind the combine is less than 10 seeds per square foot, which is 100 pounds of actual yield.
  • Check test weight when harvesting.
  • Keep a clean combine to reduce fire risk. Blow the combine down at least twice daily and have fire extinguishers on hand.


  • All grain-drying fundamentals apply, no matter what method is being used to dry the grain.
  • Check drying rates as sunflowers dry quicker than other grain because there are fewer pounds of water to be removed.
  • When drying in a high-temperature dryer, constant monitoring is needed as the chaff, lint and other debris associated with sunflowers are highly combustible.


  • Typically, confection and non-oil seeds can be stored short term at 10 percent mois­ture content, but for long-term storage growers must dry grain to nine percent.
  • Oilseeds (at 40 percent oil content) should be stored at eight percent moisture, how­ever that value is determined by the oil content. Oilseeds with higher oil contents (closer to 45 percent) should be stored between seven and eight percent.
  • In storage, monitor grain every couple of weeks when outside temperatures are warm and every two to four weeks in the winter months.