Aquaculture (farming fish and other marine animals) is the main feed-based market for omega-3 oils. Fish are a source of omega-3 oils, but they do not make them; ocean microalgae make the oils which the fish consume in the food chain. Adequate consumption of long-chain omega-3s is important for fish health and consumers.
Functional Foods have essential nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, added to improve the nutritional function of the food for improved health outcomes. It can be used to help address health concerns by enhancing everyday foods in a convenient way for consumers.
Pharmaceuticals are aimed at treating a medically diagnosed illness or condition using specific dosages for specific health outcomes, under a physician’s care. Products take many years to develop, with additional testing often at higher doses than supplements.
Nutraceuticals are dietary supplements for human consumption that provide nutrients which are typically not consumed in sufficient quantities for optimum health. Research completed in 2016 found that DHA and EPA consumption rates are insufficient in most regions of the world, leading to avoidable health problems. Bringing Nutriterra to market is a huge focus for Nuseed, who recently hired Mark Smith as the Nutraceutical Lead.
“We can replace the omega-3 found in scarce marine ingredients with a more sustainable crop – canola grown in the U.S. and traceable back to farms,” says Smith, who adds that it’s the same contract and process for growers whether the Omega-3 Canola grown on their farm is directed to aquafeed or human nutrition. Smith says Nuseed Omega-3 Canola oil can’t be used for cooking because high temperatures breaks down the long-chain fatty acids, but it can be used in oil-based salad dressings, mayonnaise, and so on.