Based out of East Bernard, Texas, Danny Crane is excited by the opportunities, soil and farm benefits from Nuseed Carinata as he shares how contracts are invaluable for customers that are new to the crop.
“Nuseed Carinata is grown for producing the benefits to the soil as a cover crop, but harvest the grain for revenue. This is a great benefit to farmers, allowing them to earn additional income between their main crops, while protecting their soil throughout the winter from erosion, sequestering carbon, improving soil health, and improving yield on their following crops,” he explains.
With the first commercial U.S. acres planted in November 2022, Nuseed Carinata is a new, unfamiliar crop for growers. However, farmers should consider growing the crop to see firsthand the benefits that Carinata will provide for them! Because of the unfamiliarity, there will bring many questions while growing the crop. I want to listen to the customers questions/concerns, be honest with answers to help us learn and grow along with the customers.
Also, know that every farm has a slightly different situation regarding production management,” he says. The importance of working relationships with growers to help farmers achieve production goals through Nuseed Carinata in 2023.
With the help of Nuseed, growers will have access to the knowledge and resources needed to be successful in the field. Nuseed operates the world’s largest and most advanced Carinata breeding program for top performing hybrid Carinata. Nuseed entered a 10-year strategic agreement with bp to accelerate market adoption for Nuseed Carinata.
“The benefits for growers are two-fold in increasing revenue as a contract grown oilseed harvested cover crop and ecosystem improvement,”. “Nuseed Carinata allows a grower the unique opportunity to receive all the benefits of a cover-crop (attract pollinators, ground cover, soil health, putting carbon back into the soil, living roots, etc.). In addition to the soil health benefits, growers can see nematode suppression and nutrients returned to the soil through plant matter.”
“Nuseed is continuing to research and develop new hybrids with frost tolerance and earlier maturity. I’m looking forward to working with growers on rewarding sustainability and long-term contract commitments,” he adds.
“Nuseed continues to listen to our growers while we work with them throughout the growing season to harvest. We want growers to have a positive experience growing Carinata and working with Nuseed,” he concludes.
Danny Crane | Nuseed Field Sales Manager, Texas
“You learn more from failure than from success. Don’t let it stop you. Failure builds character.”