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ND Omega-3 Canola Update

ND Omega-3 Canola Planting Complete, Flea Beetle Update – June 8, 2020
Mike Schaefer, Nuseed Omega-3 Canola Production Coordinator for ND
Mike Schaefer 20220808 221535
Nuseed Omega-3 canola planting has wrapped up for the most part in North Dakota. Most fields are up and able to be rowed. North Dakota received a much needed rain, averaging a half inch in the west on 6/06/2020. The eastern half of the state received anywhere from .5-1.5 inches on 6/07/2020. These rains solidified emergence on our later planted Omega-3 acres that were put into a dry seed bed across the state. The abundance of last fall’s rain filled up our soil profile, so once our crop gets established, we should have ample moisture to feed the plants through some drier environments. Our weather forecast is showing a couple days of rain during the weekend and into next week.
Flea Beetle Damage MS
We have seen high flea beetle pressure on our emerged acres to date. Action thresholds have been met in nearly every area of the state. The majority of the acres have been sprayed once with an insecticide to help control the beetles, some have been sprayed twice. The last couple rain events over the weekend will help promote plant growth, so the canola can outrun the pressure.  Producers are starting their first herbicide pass this week in conjunction with a possible second round of insecticide if needed.

Nuseed OM401 field being sprayed near Rugby, ND.
MS OM401 Spraying 20220808 221625
Nuseed has Omega-3 canola growers spread across North Dakota, and the agents to support them.  This will provide great exposure of Nuseed’s Omega-3 canola to potential new growers in each region for 2021 and we should have a good idea of which Nuseed Omega-3 canola hybrids perform best in each region come harvest.

Previous O3 Updates

May 28, 2020 – The countryside has gotten busy in the last seven days. This year we will see a wide range of planting timing for canola throughout the state. The western region is close to 90% planted, with some producers waiting for some saturated fields to dry up. I anticipate the remaining acres to be in by June 5th. Central North Dakota is close to 80% seeded, with completion of these acres likely occurring during the upcoming weekend.  Eastern North Dakota is 60% planted, these acres should be wrapped up June 5th.

The full month of May can be considered the ideal planting window for canola in ND and the majority of the acres will be seeded the latter half of ideal timing (May 16-31). Around 1,000 acres were seeded in the 2nd week of May, but the majority started in the 3rd week.  Once we started seeding, our conditions were ideal (good moisture and soil temperature) promoting quicker emergence with good plant establishment and density.  Our early seeded acres (May 15th) are up nearing the 1st leaf stage with good stand establishment. Our last trial by Tolley will be going in the ground on Friday, May 29th.

Nuseed’s Omega-3, OM404 CL, emerging in the photo was seeded May 8th and is currently in the cotyledon to 1 leaf stage on average.  This field is located on the southern end of the canola belt in western ND and had an earlier start.
O3 Emergence Cotyledon MS 20220808 221619
The majority of Nuseed’s Omega-3 planted fields have had good weed control. We are 2 weeks out yet from our post-emerge application of weed control. As canola is emerging over the next 2-3 weeks, flee beetle pressure will be on the rise presenting a risk to canola yields. Across the canola region of North Dakota there will likely have to be two applications of insecticide, as long a timely application occurs yield loss will be minimal.

The planting photo is a trial comparing Nuseed’s OM401 and OM404 CL with ATP Nutrition’s product Precede. This product is to promote growth and relax the plant during stressful times. This plot is located near Bowbells in the NW corner of North Dakota.
O3 Planting MS 20220808 221619
The outlook for the next 10 days includes above average temperature with some rain coming next week. Currently we are on track to achieve average yields in the state. This warm weather in combination with rain will help promote even emergence across later planted acres. When battling flea beetles, this weather pattern will promote rapid growth in the canola to outrun pressure of plant injury from the beetles.