Top Eight In-Season Control Tips
Sunflower growers are getting ready for in-season pest control. Here’s a quick reminder, and links to helpful information from NDSU, on the top eight in-season considerations to controlling weeds, insects and disease to maximize your yields at harvest.
- Scout after in-season herbicide application to confirm control of target weeds
- Scout before bloom for rust to manage it in-season
- Apply fungicide at R-5 state on crops infected with one percent or more sunflower rust on upper four leaves
- Use integrated pest management strategies for optimal insect control. Correct pest identification is key. Scout fields weekly for pests in-season. Scout fields more often (2X/week) as key pests come into critical windows based on an insect scouting calendar
- Follow correct scouting protocols and base insecticide application decisions on economic thresholds
- Seed-boring insects can be controlled with insecticides during the bloom stage
- Avoid spray drift
- Always follow registered label instructions
Download the Succeed magazine for more information on growing, harvesting and storing sunflowers; see page 35 for a helpful season-long production checklist.