The experts offer their choices for the best sunflower hybrids that perform consistently well, even when grower conditions aren’t ideal.
The terms “racehorse” and “workhorse” are often used to describe different types of corn hybrids.
A racehorse is a hybrid you can count on to perform exceptionally well under the best conditions in a really good year, while the workhorse is a tried-and-true hybrid that may not necessarily be your top yielder, but will likely do well no matter what the weather has in store.
Just like with corn, there are racehorse and workhorse hybrids sunflower producers rely on to produce the best results. If you are a grower that is in a region where spring planting conditions are somewhat uncertain at this time, these workhorse hybrids could be a viable consideration where fields could be in less than perfect condition at planting time.
We asked four Legend Seeds employees for their top workhorse sunflower hybrids growers can count on to perform under any conditions.
Click below to learn from the experts.
What makes a workhorse sunflower hybrid and what makes them a good choice?
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