A top performing Hybrid TT family featuring excellent all-rounders
The top choice for canola growers – hybrid TT canola from Nuseed, your TT specialists.
HyTTec combines hybrid seed traits, including early vigour, a strengthened disease background, and excellent yield performance, with the herbicide tolerance benefits of the TT system.
If you’re a canola grower looking to upgrade your returns, go with the breeder who has a vested interest in your success.
HyTTec delivers:
- Hybrid advantages of early vigour and yield
- All the existing herbicide tolerance benefits of TT varieties for the same reliable weed control
- A new option for your cropping program
- The confidence of growing seed from the TT specialists
* 2023 Autumn Blackleg Rating Bare
** Rated from Susceptible to Tolerant using our proprietary shaking method
^ HyTTec Trident not recommended for yield environments 2.5 T or above
^^ Not recommended for early sowing in a high yield environment
View the latest GRDC Blackleg Management Guide
Find the Right Seed

HyTTec® Trifecta
- Canola
- Hybrid
- Mid
- Triazine Tolerant

HyTTec® Trophy
- Canola
- Hybrid
- Early-Mid
- Triazine Tolerant

HyTTec® Trident
- Canola
- Hybrid
- Early
- Triazine Tolerant

HyTTec® Velocity
- Canola
- Hybrid
- Early
- Triazine Tolerant