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HyTTec® Trident

An early maturing hybrid TT canola that outperforms similar varieties

HyTTec® Trident

HyTTec® Trident is your high performing early maturing canola with a premium disease package.

HyTTec Trident is an early maturing variety which has performed significantly above current hybrid and open-pollinated TT varieties in both NVT and internal trials.

Canola growers looking for an early-maturing option can rely on the performance of HyTTec Trident to deliver superior paddock clean up and strong returns at harvest.
Every HyTTec Trident seed comes packaged with Nuseed’s premier hybrid genetics and all the benefits of the TT herbicide system.


If you’re looking for more information about our products, please visit our resources section where you can find trial data, tech sheets, herbicide information and more.

Seed Disease Resistance

Blackleg Rating*: R

Blackleg Resistance Group: AD

* 2023 Spring Blackleg Rating Bare

View the latest GRDC Blackleg Management Guide

Seed Treatment

2025 Seed Treatments:

Poncho® Plus & ILeVO® (East & West)

View more information on seed treatments

Management Recommendations

Recommended Target Yield: 0.5-2.0 TNS

Seed Agronomics​

Maturity: Early

Height: Tall

Oil: Medium

Seedling Vigour: 8
Rating scale: 1 poor – 9 very high

Standability: 5*
Rating scale: 1 poor – 9 good

Pod Shatter Tolerance: S
Rated from Susceptible to Tolerant using our proprietary shaking methodology

Alternative to: ATR Bonito, InVigor® T 4510

* Not recommended for yield environments 2.5 T or above.

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