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Nuseed Emu TF

A TruFlex® hybrid canola that thrives in low rainfall areas with later planting

"Emu has a fit for us in the lower rainfall area to the north, allowing a slightly later sowing date and greater flexibility with weed control."

Nuseed Emu TF

Nuseed Emu TF is an early-maturing TruFlex hybrid that performs in low to medium rainfall zones and offers a late planting opportunity.

Nuseed Emu TF gives growers a new opportunity to achieve high yields with good oil content in these rainfall zones with an early maturing TruFlex hybrid.

Nuseed Emu TF provides you with the confidence to avoid taking a chance on sowing after a false early break, without sacrificing on performance.

If you’re looking for a resilient performer in tough, dry conditions, Nuseed Emu TF is your solution for high yields.


If you’re looking for more information about our products, please visit our resources section where you can find trial data, tech sheets, herbicide information and more.

Seed Disease Resistance

Blackleg Rating*: MR

Blackleg Resistance Group: AB

* 2023 Spring Blackleg Rating Bare

View the latest GRDC Blackleg Management Guide

Seed Treatment

2025 Seed Treatments:

Poncho® Plus & ILeVO® (East & West)

View more information on seed treatments

Management Recommendations

Recommended Target Yield: 0.5-2.5 TNS

Seed Agronomics​

Maturity: Early

Height: Medium

Oil: Medium

Seedling Vigour: 8
Rating scale: 1 poor – 9 very high

Standability: 6+*
Rating scale: 1 poor – 9 good

Pod Shatter Tolerance: S-MS
Rated from Susceptible to Tolerant using our proprietary shaking methodology

Alternative to: Pioneer® 43Y23 & 44727 RR, InVigor® R 4022P

* Not recommended for early sowing in a high yield environment



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TruFlex® canola is a second-generation weed control trait utilizing the herbicide glyphosate. New advances in trait technology helps enable better weed control and crop safety compared to Roundup Ready® canola. It’s a combination that could result in higher yield potential at harvest time. TruFlex canola gives you weed control flexibility by offering higher rates and a wider crop window in which to spray glyphosate.


TruFlex® canola is a second-generation weed control trait utilizing the herbicide glyphosate. New advances in trait technology helps enable better weed control and crop safety compared to Roundup Ready® canola. It’s a combination that could result in higher yield potential at harvest time. TruFlex canola gives you weed control flexibility by offering higher rates and a wider crop window in which to spray glyphosate.