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Support for R&D through the EPR program

Nuseed is once again grateful to canola growers who have shown strong support for our ongoing research and development activities through returns from End Point Royalties (EPR).

Growers’ contributions via the EPR program have enabled us to collect valuable funds to support ongoing pipeline development of new canola varieties.

An EPR of $5 per tonne applies to the open pollinated triazine tolerant (OP TT) varieties ATR Mako, ATR Bonito and ATR Wahoo, and an EPR of $10 applies to the new hybrid TT variety HyTTec® Trophy.

Nuseed Australia’s Commercial Manager Andrew Loorham has expressed the company’s appreciation to growers for their participation in the EPR scheme.

We’re thankful to canola growers for accurately declaring your varieties at the point of delivery and supporting ongoing research with EPR payments”, he said.

Growers’ contributions through the EPR program support the work we do with some of the most diverse canola germplasm in Australia at our Innovation Centre in Horsham, Victoria,” added Mr Loorham.

The EPR program has provided valuable funds to support the development of OP TT varieties for several years. This season Nuseed is utilising the EPR program as an innovative approach to reducing the upfront seed cost on hybrid seed, giving growers more choice in their cropping program.

Growers are very supportive of our current EPR arrangements on open-pollinated varieties and the EPR program for HyTTec varieties will operate the same way,” Mr Loorham said. “We know growers view upfront seed cost as a potential barrier to choosing hybrid canola, so we are making use of the EPR program to help you access the new technology available in our HyTTec® hybrid TT portfolio,” he said.

Nuseed is committed to ongoing research and development into new OP TT varieties due to the market demand for this product, and we’re one of the few seed companies still including OP TT canola varieties in its program.

Our OP TT canola pipeline, supported by EPR input from growers, will remain part of our offering because we know that it is an important element of your cropping rotation,” said Mr Loorham. “The EPR program contributes to our ongoing investment in oilseeds research and innovation because we know that growers need strong, high performing varieties that deliver value to your bottom line.”

News EPR content
New canola varieties in development at Nuseed’s Innovation Centre in Horsham, Vic

For more information on our OP TT and HyTTec® canola varieties, speak to your seed distributor or local Nuseed Area Sales Manager.

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